If you want your business to flourish, then maybe it is high time you think about introducing some high-quality laser-cut signage to your business. Signage is one of the most important ways of conveying your message to your customers.
The name of your business, its promotions, pricing and product information are all portrayed by signage and can influence potential customers. On average you will have about 7 seconds to make a good first impression, so it makes sense to create an attractive, eye-catching sign that will grab their attention.
What qualities should I look for in effective retail signage?
In order to stand out from the crowd and make customers engage with your business, you need to ensure that your retail signage does the following:
1. Quality production
A high-quality laser cut sign will not only give you a professional finish, but it will also have a long-lasting effect as well. This is important as you should always consider the lifespan of a sign, especially when placed on the building’s exterior as it will have to contend with the elements.
When laser cutting metal, you can guarantee that you will be getting a perfect finish every time. Unlike handwritten signs, there isn’t much room for mistakes when using a laser cutter, so the higher quality of the sign the better the impression it will leave for customers.
2. Make use of colour
The choice of colour you use needs to be representative of the business, but a general rule of thumb is to not go overboard. What do we mean by that exactly? Well, it is advised that you don’t use dramatic shades as this can work against you and put the customer off from entering your business.
You should also note that certain colours are associated with different meanings and emotions, so consider the message you are looking to get across to your clientèle.
3. Simple to read
Make your signage easy to read. Simplicity is key here, as too much information will leave it cluttered and difficult for customers to understand. The material you choose is also important, as it is representative of the company. For instance, laser wood engraving will produce a clean and authentic finish that is simple to read.
4. A clear and simple message
Keep your message simple. This way you will avoid confusion with your customers and leave them free to shop with you hassle-free. If you want to talk about the price, product info and other information then do so, but remember to be clear with what you say as this could irritate people.
Specially made laser-cut designs will stand out more and also have the benefit of being long-lasting. This works better than handwritten signs and will help understand the information you are trying to convey better.
5. Well placed
The location of your signage is perhaps one of the most important elements to consider, as it can help influence your customer’s decision-making. You need to put it in a position that will catch their attention, but that it will not block essential items throughout the store. You also need to repeat the logo and name which is used on the exterior of the store.
Can Duff Engineering help my business grow?
Here at Duff Engineering, we understand that for businesses to succeed, they need to act fast. That’s why all our laser cut designs are produced with an impressive turnaround time so that you can focus on running your business as normal. As our technology grows, so too do our ideas as we help make your business grow to the levels it deserves.
Because of this, we have worked with many satisfied customers over the years, many of which have continued being regular clients. We are confident that we can help your business no matter your request, so if you would like to see the results you should seriously consider what Subcon can do for you.
For more information about how we can help, speak to one of our professional advisors today at 0716632075 or leave a message on our contact us page.